Mama Lisa: The Story
Meet Mama Lisa. A powerhouse full of inspiration. Someone who has endured so much in her lifetime, I look up to her immensely. Upon starting The Salvation Experiment, she reached out to me and informed me of her current journey through breast cancer. She and I discussed on how I can document the entire process and all that comes with it including the emotions, the good, the bad, and ugly experiences. Since the start of this project, she has already overcome the mastectomy, hysterectomy, and an infection and is just waiting for the next expander appointment. As of this moment, she is officially cancer free and is on the path to recovery and healing! These first shots are from her planned shoot pre-op. There will be two other sets, one documenting post-op and the final image of her, fully recovered with her stellar smile.
Lisa asked that I include her own words regarding her story, "When I see this picture, I see all of the things I hide daily from everyone. Everything I am ashamed of. On the other hand, if I really consider this body that God in His infinite wisdom gave me... This body survived the death of an infant child... those hands caught said child, Josh, as he later took his first steps. This body survived hunger and homelessness... but whose breast nurtured three beautiful children who never went hungry and always had a roof over their heads. This body survived bullying, neglect and domestic abuse... but always hugged and comforted her children...and other children...made sure that everyone felt loved. This body was molested and raped... and bore me three treasures who make me proud everyday. This body survived suffering in so many ways that are hard to tell and more difficult to understand... BUT those legs ran behind Truett when he learned to ride a bike. That body walked Sarah down the isle to turn her over to her now husband. That body has been there to help sibling or parents or friends/neighbors in need of whatever that old body is able to give, which usually isn't much. This body is SURVIVING CANCER. On Tuesday, July 11th, 2017, this body will change forever. An important part of this body will be gone forever, amputated, removed. Please pray all will go according to God's plan. This body, this body.... this body is a survivor!"

I felt it important to show some of the photos Josh took. They were too cute not to.

These shots are from her home at the peak of breast cancer. She found it important to document the mess that she was unable to clean herself due to the exhaustion. They offer cleaning services for cancer patients, but did not offer it in her area.

This is Precious, her therapy dog, of whom has gone through the entire journey with her and brought her so much healing and comfort.

Lisa in one of her wigs.

One of the mannequin heads that Lisa used in cosmetology school.

Josh singing his heart out to me and playing the guitar.